It was almost the end of February and I'm writing the story for ? January events ? Hahaa . Yeah , I know , tell me I'm lame and what not but it's just that I'm hell busy and the two hands seems not enough to catch up with everything guys . Nevermind , I have this some pictures , so let the pictures do the talking .
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Ever drink a fully fresh apple juice people ? This is it XD |
Okay when is this ? This is between 19 or 26 of January . First time join the class, M11R for iftar . First time basuh dulang iftar tuu . Tahu tak apa itu iftar ? Bukaa puasaa . Tapi kitorang buka puasaa ramairamai . Makan dalam dulang ramairamai . Until now , dah selamat ikut 3 kali iftar class . Dulu macam pelik je kan makan iftar ni kan . Ada orang akan kata geli lah apa lah . Tapi sebenarnyaa takdelah macam tuh . Think positive and look at the bright side . With iftar - You eat less and share more :)
P/S : Itu gambar apple juice minum juice direct from the food itself . Takyah blend dulu . Ever try it ? HAHAA .
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Pn. Khuzaimi . I missed you :( |
This is Pn. Khuzaimi and the picture was taken on 31st January 2012 . Almost a month ago . She's teaching Mathematics HL for my class and the other 3 classes last semester . Currently retired now . She is very soft and will NEVER ever be mad and angry at you . Besides she never scold us though either we finish or not her homeworks . Hihii . Look at the face , the motherly lovely , soft and calm face . Her last words for me is "Nawal , be more focus in class" . Sobsobsobsobsob . Teacher I missed you :')
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Sale sale sale ! Grab ! |
Look at that people ! Rip Curl ! HAHAA . Well then , it's not mine . They belongs to someone else . One for Afiqah Aisyah , and the other one is Amalina's , their birthday presents . Million thanks to you , Mr.Handsome for to letting us to shopshopshop and have your full patience in melayan karenah orangorang tekanan jiwa macam kitorang ni hihii .
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