Monday, December 3, 2012

. December - PhotosDay .

Source : Sis Bella's Blog
Here's the deal . I found this photo on Sis Bella's Blog while I was 'blog-walking' just now . And . . .
Maybe I can somehow try to make something out of it . Currently on my holiday though . Uhuks !

*The English slang taste like bitter and rusty a bit I guess . Erk . Maybe more than that . Hmm .

But I'd just miss the first 2 tasks . It's okay . I'll just start with the 3rd one . I don't know if I could manage to finish this , since there's a pile of homeworks waiting for me since last week . Or maybe last two weeks . Opss ! Or maybe more than that . Huarghhh ! 

But . . . But maybe it worth a try isn't it . Nvm , I better shut up . Bla bla bla . Teehee XD

Happy Monday readers ! 
Remember to always start your day with the brightest smile and fresh body :') 

I'm  back  after the long disappearance ,

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

. Sahabat .

Doa ku buat mu sahabat .

" Ya Allah , sesungguhnya aku gantung kan tali ukhuwah ini . Akrab persahabatan ini dalam genggam tangan dan kuasa Mu Ya Allah . 
Tunjuk kan lah kami kebenaran kebaikan pahala dan manfaat kehidupan .
Jauhkan lah kami dari maksiat , dosa dan kemurkaan mu . 

Setiap hari doaku mengiringi mu supaya kau beroleh anugerah terindah itu suatu hari nanti . 
Nur . 
Perubahan "

Amin .

source : google
Syafakillah . Semoga cepat sembuh :')

Monday, November 12, 2012

. Brave .

Our FATE lives between us .
You only have to be BRAVE enough to see it .

FATE be changed .
Look inside .
Mend the bond .
Torn by pride .

Bismillah . 
Permudahkanlah .

P/s : Done ! Fb and Twitter . See ya sometimes .

. Senyum itu Smile .

. Assalamualaikum .
. Selamat Pagi ! .

Nah ! Ini untuk awakawak :

initiation process
A SMILE is a powerful weapon ;
you can even break ice with it
Ice SMILE ! Very funny XD
Source : Google 

propagation stage
You are not fully dressed until you wear a SMILE (^^,)
Source : Google

termination - end world
Always remember to be happy 
you never know who's falling in love with your SMILE 

 ~ Awwwwwh ! cheesy . #eh HAHAHAHA XD 

Love is a huge word to describe cinta .
 Love your MaMa . Jannah awaits for you . In sha Allah .

Mood bangun pagi ni cantik sangat . Alhamdulillah 

Monday, October 29, 2012

. PreMeditated . Crime of Passion .

. Is it premeditated ? Or crime of passion ? .
Neither . It is NAFSU .
Grrrr ! Stop , I've got to stop all the activities until I can finally hold the scroll of graduating from IB with the 45 points on the certificate . Or at least the enrolment letter to Yale . 

Y laughed ? It is somewhat like nearly impossible for me ?

Yesterday , the cuzzi told me that . 
Sesungguhnya . Apa yang kita fikir kan . Apa yang kita perkatakan dan Apa yang kita rasa kan . Adalah DO'A . 

Maka , biarlah otak dimulakan dengan fikiran yang baikbaik kan .
Orang putih kata action speaks louder than words . Tapi hati lagi cepat merasai daripada physical actions kan ? Eh ? Ada kaitan ke ? Heh .
In simple words , I wast trying to say that what you feels come first before the actions .

Maka sekarang , daku sedang berusaha keras untuk membuang segala nyaa . Menjauhkan diri dari segalanyaa .

I'm leaving them . All . Behind .
Trying hard to say goodbyes .

Bye .

Sunday, October 21, 2012

. IMAN . Lari bertempiaran .

Oh tidak . Oh tidak . Oh tidak . Semua lari :'(

Hurm , kejar balik . Okay memang , memang nampak macam ridiculous . Tapi tu hakikat .

. Misi baru .
Kena makin gigih solat jemaah .
Solat awal waktu .
Menjaga HATI .

Sungguh , paling susah itu menjaga hati .
Tahu apa yang lari tu . 
Diri ini . Semakin jauh . Iman tu dah lari .
Menurun . Merudum . Sembah bumi .

Maka , sila bangkit kembali .
Tidak mudah . tapi TIDAK MUSTAHIL .

Source : Google 
Ya Allah , permudahkanlah :')

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

. Dr. Zakir Naik .

. Salam Alaik .
Harini diri terasa ingin berbahasa Melayu . Mungkin kerana tadi Cikgu Aisya baru balik and rasa teruja sangat nak belajar sajak . Spell it properly . S A J A K tau . Kalau ikut lah kan , boleh kira manusia beberapa je yang masih menghargai sajak atau mengkaji sajak dengan sepenuh hati . Walaupun ada muka cam mengantuk , mungkin diorang tidur lewat malam tadi , tapi takde siapa tidur , ramai bagi respons . Ouh sangat rindu Cikgu Aisya . 
Source : Google
Maaf dah lari tujuan , inilah namanya manalah cikgu tak marah tulis essay melalut , kalau tulis dalam blog pun berterabur macam ni .
*Maaf kali kedua , ini bukan bahasa melayu , bahasa rojak . (pardon me i have spelling syndrome Kehkehkeh)

Okay, haritu, pergi Dr. Zakir Naik punya ceramah dekat Uitm Shah Alam masa tour dia dekat Malaysia. Tajuk dekat Shah Alam ni Brotherhood. Parameter title ni is to promote brotherhood not only among the Muslims but for all.
Source : Google
Ini bukan nak bagi ceramah balik , bukan juga sharing sebab saya tak reti nak sharing ke mencurah ilmu yang bertempayan di dada ke apa , tapi saya cerita je lah apa yang saya dapat okies .

Antara intipati nyaa :

Zakat is only 2.5 % of your wealth . And IF only rich people give 2.5 % of their wealth to the one in needs, they will be no one who will die of hunger.

Islam does not give you permission to sleep with full tummy when your neighbour is hungry.

Maka di sini saya dapat membuat rumusan dan refleksi diri bahawa kita sebenarnyaa wujud ke kasih sayang tu sesama manusia ? Kita hanya mementingkan diri sendiri dan orangorang disekeliling kita je kan ? Orangorang yang kita kenal je .

Pernah beri salam pada mereka yang kita tak kenal ? Orang yang berselisih semasa membeli barang di kedai ? Mak cik atau kakak cleaner di class ? Tukang kebun kolej ? Makcik jual kuih ? Kakak dobi ? Pakcik jaga koperasi ? Kakak Abang perpustakaan semasa pinjam dan pulang buku ? Ada alasan , mereka bukan Islam , maka boleh juga cakap Hello , Selamat Pagi , blablabla .
Tak payah nak tengok sedekah , cukup benda paling mudah . Realiti , kita sungguh sombong . Cukup lihat pada solat , kita sombong untuk berdoa pada Allah , apatah lagi perangai sesama manusia .

Source : Google
Maka , jom . Ini antara perkara kecil paling mudah tapi dirasakan susah . Solat Jemaah - solat jemaah promotes unity :)

P/S : Harini dah siap TOK Essay , masih bertimbun yang lain . Tapi Alhamdulillah , satu kerja sudah selesai . InsyaAllah , sedang berusaha untuk yang lain .

Penyajak terulung hehe ,

Sunday, October 14, 2012

. Kenyataan tanpa pengertian .

Okay ini SAJAK -.-' Apa apa apa ? Jangan nak mengata , aku dan kau pun kita sama manusia . Punya kelemahan .

. Excessive usage of laptop and computer .
. Belakang dah sakit . Macam orang tua . Acano . Itu realiti .

. Iyaaa . Memang dah terlalu lama duduk menghadap laptop pun .
. Siapa mengerti terlalu banyak kerja ?
. Siapa mengerti terlalu penat otak berfikir ?
. Siapa mengerti terlalu penat badan kerana tidur tak lena ? Asal letak kepala tertidur , setiap satu jam terjaga , mimpi pun tak sempat .
. Siapa mengerti ? Siapa ?
*Keluh kecil . Jangan mengeluh . Allah murka .

Tapi lagi sakit jiwa bila orangorang tidak mengerti .

--> Alah semua orang pun belajar , semua orang pun sibuk .
--> Alah aku tengok orang lain relax je . Kau ni lemah iman ni .
--> Blablabla . Yadayadayada .

. Ya . Tapi kita semua sibuk perkara yang berbeza bukan . Ya memang aku lemah iman sebab itu aku masih di sini , selagi aku tidak lepas ujian kesabaran ini , selamanya aku akan kekal di sini hingga saat aku redha , berjaya dan lepas segalanyaa .

. Aku tak seperti anda semua . Syarat hidup anda berbeza , tapi syarat hidup aku lebih berbeza . Anda mungkin bersusah payah untuk mengejar citacita di negara sana , tapi aku , aku perlu lebih bersusahpayah derita demi untuk tinggal di bumi yang bukan tempat tumpah darahku tapi tempat tinggal ku hampir sekian lama . Adakah aku didiskriminasi ? Ouh tidak , ini ketetapan , juga satu ujian untuk aku redha dan lihat di sebalik awan kelabu , adakah akan terus kelabu atau aku yang perlu menyucikan kelabu itu menjadi corak warna pilihanku .

. Ya , saban hari juga aku disapa persoalan dan pertanyaan , bila mahu ke sana , mengapa tidak kesana , oh betulkah tidak ke sana , tidak mungkin bukan orang sehebat anda tidak kesana , yadayadayada , blablabla . Aku semakin lali . 

Kerana dalam hati ku sudah utuh pendirian .
Biar mungkin citacita ini setinggi bintang , sedalam lautan , sepanas terik cahaya matahari . Walau gagal atau rebah disini atau di pertengahan atau di permulaan , atau dimanamana , aku tidak gusar untuk bermula , mahupun bertatih , atau merangkak sekalipun dari bawah .
Ketika itu aku sudah mengetahui , dalam genggaman mereka sudah ada pangkal nama gah itu .
 *Ah khayalan semata.

Perancangan aku , perancangan Allah dan Allah adalah sebaikbaik perancang .
Siapa tahu tentang masa hadapan ku ? Anda tahu ? Aku juga tidak mengetahui .

Mereka merancang 'tipudaya' dan Allah juga merancang 'membalas tipu daya' dan Allah sebaikbaik perancangan . (Ali Imran 3 : 54 )

P/s : Titipkan aku sedikit pengertian , bukan simpati , apatah lagi hinaan . SAJAK kbai . 

Friday, September 28, 2012

. Clueless .

. I would really want to write something nice here . 

. I want a company . Badly .

. End .

p/s : Nah , rawatan diri :D

Saturday, September 22, 2012

#2 Food for the soul : Pure Love .

copy and pasted from : . muslim speakers .

This is a true story about a man named Rashed. He tells his story as follows…

I was not more than thirty years old when my wife gave birth to my first child. I still remember that night.
I had stayed out all night long with my friends, as was my habit. It was a night filled with useless talk, and worse, with backbiting, gossiping, and making fun of people. I was mostly the one who made people laugh; I would mock others and my friends would laugh and laugh. I remember on that night that I’d made them laugh a lot. I had an amazing ability to imitate others – I could change the sound of my voice until I sounded exactly like the person I was mocking. No one was safe from my biting mockery, even my friends; some people started avoiding me just to be safe from my tongue. I remember on that night, I had made fun of a blind man who I’d seen begging in the market. What was worse, I had put my foot out in front him – he tripped and fell, and started turning his head around, not knowing what to say.
I went back to my house, late as usual, and I found my wife waiting for me. She was in a terrible state, and said in a quivering voice, “Rashed… where were you?”
“Where would I be, on Mars?” I said sarcastically, “With my friends of course.”
She was visibly exhausted, and holding back tears, she said, “Rashed, I’m so tired. It seems the baby is going to come soon.” A silent tear fell on her cheek.
I felt that I had neglected my wife. I should have taken care of her and not stayed out so much all those nights… especially since she was in her ninth month. I quickly took her to the hospital; she went into the delivery room, and suffered through long hours of pain.
I waited patiently for her to give birth… but her delivery was difficult, and I waited a long time until I got tired. So I went home and left my phone number with the hospital so they could call with the good news. An hour later, they called me to congratulate me on the birth of Salem. I went to the hospital immediately. As soon as they saw me, they asked me to go see the doctor who had overlooked my wife’s delivery.
“What doctor?” I cried out, “I just want to see my son Salem!”
“First go see the doctor,” they said.
I went to the doctor, and she started talking to me about trials, and about being satisfied with Allah’s decree. Then she said, “Your son has a serious deformity in his eyes, and it seems that he has no vision.” I lowered my head while I fought back tears… I remembered that blind man begging in the market who I’d tripped and made others laugh at.
Subhan Allah, you get what you give! I stayed brooding quietly for a while… I didn’t know what to say. Then I remembered by wife and son. I thanked the doctor for her kindness, and went to go see my wife. My wife wasn’t sad. She believed in the decree of Allah… she was content… How often had she advised me to stop mocking people! “Don’t backbite people,” she always used to repeat… We left the hospital, and Salem came with us.
In reality, I didn’t pay much attention to him. I pretended that he wasn’t in the house with us. When he started crying loudly, I’d escape to the living room to sleep there. My wife took good care of him, and loved him a lot. As for myself, I didn’t hate him, but I couldn’t love him either.
Salem grew. He started to crawl, and had a strange way of crawling. When he was almost one year old, he started trying to walk, and we discovered that he was crippled. I felt like he was an even greater burden on me. After him, my wife gave birth to Umar and Khaled. The years passed, and Salem grew, and his brothers grew. I never liked to sit at home, I was always out with my friends… in reality, I was like a plaything at their disposal [entertaining them whenever they wanted].
My wife never gave up on my reform. She always made du’aa for my guidance. She never got angry with my reckless behavior, but she would get really sad if she saw me neglecting Salem and paying attention to the rest of his brothers. Salem grew, and my worries grew with him. I didn’t mind when my wife asked to enroll him in a special school for the handicapped.
I didn’t really feel the passing of the years. My days were all the same. Work and sleep and food and staying out with friends. One Friday, I woke up at 11 am. This was early for me. I was invited to a gathering, so I got dressed and perfumed, and was about to go out. I passed by our living room, and was startled by the sight of Salem – he was sobbing! This was the first time I had noticed Salem crying since he was a baby. Ten years had passed, and I hadn’t paid attention to him. I tried to ignore him now, but I couldn’t take it… I heard him calling out to his mother while I was in the room. I turned towards him, and went closer. “Salem! Why are you crying?” I asked.
When he heard my voice, he stopped crying. Then when he realized how close I was, he started feeling around him with his small hands. What was wrong with him? I discovered that he was trying to move away from me! It was as if he was saying, “Now, you’ve decided to notice me? Where have you been for the last ten years?” I followed him… he had gone into his room. At first, he refused to tell me why he’d been crying. I tried to be gentle with him… Salem started to tell me why he’d been crying, while I listened and trembled.
Do you know what the reason was?! His brother Umar, the one who used to take him to the masjid, was late. And because it was Jumu’ah prayer, Salem was afraid he wouldn’t find a place in the first row. He called out to Umar… and he called out to his mother… but nobody answered, so he cried. I sat there looking at the tears flowing from his blind eyes. I couldn’t bear the rest of his words. I put my hand over his mouth and said, “Is this why you were crying, Salem!”
“Yes,” he said.
I forgot about my friends, I forgot about the gathering, and I said, “Don’t be sad, Salem. Do you know who’s going to take you to the masjid today?”
“Umar, of course,” he said, “… but he’s always late.”
“No,” I said, “I’m going to take you.”
Salem was shocked… he couldn’t believe it. He thought I was mocking him. His tears came and he started crying. I wiped his tears with my hand and then took hold of his hand. I wanted to take him to the masjid by car. He refused and said, “The masjid is near… I want to walk there.” Yes, by Allah, he said this to me.
I couldn’t remember when the last time I had entered the masjid was, but it was the first time I felt fear and regret for what I’d neglected in the long years that had passed. The masjid was filled with worshippers, but I still found a place for Salem in the first row. We listened to the Jumu’ah khutbah together, and he prayed next to me. But really, I was the one praying next to him.
After the prayer, Salem asked me for a musHaf. I was surprised! How was he going to read when he was blind? I almost ignored his request, but I decided to humor him out of fear of hurting his feelings. I passed him a musHaf. He asked me to open the musHaf to Surat al-Kahf. I started flipping through the pages and looking through the index until I found it. He took the musHaf from me, put it in front of him, and started reading the Surah… with his eyes closed… ya Allah! He had the whole Surah memorized.
I was ashamed of myself. I picked up a musHaf… I felt my limbs tremble… I read and I read. I asked Allah to forgive me and to guide me. I couldn’t take it… I started crying like a child. There were still some people in the masjid praying sunnah… I was embarrassed by their presence, so I tried to hold my tears. My crying turned into whimpering and long, sobbing breaths. The only thing I felt was a small hand reaching out to my face, and then wiping the tears away. It was Salem! I pulled him to my chest… I looked at him. I said to myself… you’re not the blind one, but I am, for having drifted after immoral people who were pulling me to hellfire. We went back home. My wife was extremely worried about Salem, but her worry turned into tears [of joy] when she found out I had prayed Jumu’ah with Salem.
From that day on, I never missed the congregational prayer in the masjid. I left my bad friends… and I made righteous friends among people I met at the masjid. I tasted the sweetness of iman with them. I learned things from them that distracted me from this world. I never missed out on gatherings of remembrance [halaqas], or on the witr prayer. I recited the entire Qur’an, several times, in one month. I moistened my tongue with the remembrance of Allah, that He might forgive my backbiting and mocking of the people. I felt closer to my family. The looks of fear and pity that had occupied my wife’s eyes disappeared. A smile now never parted from the face of my son Salem. Anyone who saw him would have felt that he owned the world and everything in it. I praised and thanked Allah a lot for His blessings.
One day, my righteous friends decided to go to a far away location for da’wah. I hesitated about going. I prayed istikharah, and consulted with my wife. I thought she would refuse… but the opposite happened! She was extremely happy, and even encouraged me… because in the past, she had seen me traveling without consulting her, for the purpose of sin and evil. I went to Salem, and told him I would be traveling. With tears, he wrapped me up in his small arms…
I was away from home for three and a half months. In that period, whenever I got a chance, I called my wife and talked to my children. I missed them so much… and oh, how I missed Salem! I wanted to hear his voice… he was the only one who hadn’t talked to me since I’d traveled. He was either at school or at the masjid whenever I called them.
Whenever I would tell my wife how much I missed him, she would laugh happily, joyfully, except for the last time I called her. I didn’t hear her expected laugh. Her voice changed. I said to her, “Give my salam to Salem,” and she said, “Insha’Allah,” and was quiet.

Source : Google

At last, I went back home. I knocked on the door. I hoped that it was Salem who would open up for me, but was surprised to find my son Khaled, who was not more than four years old. I picked him up in my arms while he squealed, “Baba! Baba!” I don’t know why my heart tensed when I entered the house.
I sought refuge in Allah from the accursed shaytan… I approached my wife… her face was different. As if she was pretending to be happy. I inspected her closely then said, “What’s wrong with you?” “Nothing,” she said. Suddenly, I remembered Salem. “Where’s Salem?” I asked. She lowered her head. She didn’t answer. Hot tears fell on her cheeks. “Salem! Where’s Salem?” I cried out.
At that moment, I only heard the sound of my son Khaled talking in his own way, saying, “Baba… Thalem went to pawadise… with Allah…”
My wife couldn’t take it. She broke down crying. She almost fell to the floor, and left the room. Later, I found out that Salem had contracted a fever two weeks before I’d returned, so my wife took him to the hospital… the fever got more and more severe, and didn’t leave him… until his soul left his body…
And if this earth closes in on you in spite of its vastness, and your soul closes is on you because of what it’s carrying… call out, “Oh Allah!” If solutions run out, and paths are constricted, and ropes are cut off, and your hopes are no more… call out, “Oh Allah.” Allah wished to guide Salem’s father on the hands of Salem, before Salem’s death. How merciful is Allah!

Pengemis kasih sayang Ya Rabb,

Friday, September 21, 2012

#1 Food for the soul : The Bruised Hands .

Resource : MukaBuku

One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company.

He passed the first interview, the director did the last interview, made the last decision.

The director discovered from the CV that the youth's academic achievements were excellent all the way, from the secondary school until the postgraduate research, never had a year when he did not score.

The director asked, "Did you obtain any scholarships in school?" the youth answered "none".

The director asked, " Was it your father who paid for your school fees?" The youth answered, "My father passed away when I was one year old, it was my mother who paid for my school fees.

The director asked, " Where did your mother work?" The youth answered, "My mother worked as clothes cleaner. The director requested the youth to show his hands. The youth showed a pair of hands that were smooth and perfect.

The director asked, " Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?" The youth answered, "Never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books. Furthermore, my mother can wash clothes faster than me.

The director said, "I have a request. When you go back today, go and clean your mother's hands, and then see me tomorrow morning.

The youth felt that his chance of landing the job was high. When he went back, he happily requested his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange, happy but with mixed feelings, she showed her hands to the kid.

The youth cleaned his mother's hands slowly. His tear fell as he did that. It was the first time he noticed that his mother's hands were so wrinkled, and there were so many bruises in her hands. Some bruises were so painful that his mother shivered when they were cleaned with water.

This was the first time the youth realized that it was this pair of hands that washed the clothes everyday to enable him to pay the school fee. The bruises in the mother's hands were the price that the mother had to pay for his graduation, academic excellence and his future.

After finishing the cleaning of his mother hands, the youth quietly washed all the remaining clothes for his mother.

That night, mother and son talked for a very long time.

Next morning, the youth went to the director's office.

The Director noticed the tears in the youth's eyes, asked: "Can you tell me what have you done and learned yesterday in your house?"

The youth answered," I cleaned my mother's hand, and also finished cleaning all the remaining clothes'

The Director asked,"please tell me your feelings."

The youth said, Number 1, I know now what is appreciation. Without my mother, there would not the successful me today. Number 2, by working together and helping my mother, only I now realize how difficult and tough it is to get something done. Number 3, I have come to appreciate the importance and value of family relationship.

The director said, "This is what I am looking for to be my manager. I want to recruit a person who can appreciate the help of others, a person who knows the sufferings of others to get things done, and a person who would not put money as his only goal in life. You are hired.

Later on, this young person worked very hard, and received the respect of his subordinates. Every employee worked diligently and as a team. The company's performance improved tremendously.

Source : MukaBuku

A child, who has been protected and habitually given whatever he wanted, would develop "entitlement mentality" and would always put himself first. He would be ignorant of his parent's efforts. When he starts work, he assumes that every person must listen to him, and when he becomes a manager, he would never know the sufferings of his employees and would always blame others. For this kind of people, who may be good academically, may be successful for a while, but eventually would not feel sense of achievement. He will grumble and be full of hatred and fight for more. If we are this kind of protective parents, are we really showing love or are we destroying the kid instead?

You can let your kid live in a big house, eat a good meal, learn piano, watch a big screen TV. But when you are cutting grass, please let them experience it. After a meal, let them wash their plates and bowls together with their brothers and sisters. It is not because you do not have money to hire a maid, but it is because you want to love them in a right way. You want them to understand, no matter how rich their parents are, one day their hair will grow gray, same as the mother of that young person. The most important thing is your kid learns how to appreciate the effort and experience the difficulty and learns the ability to work with others to get things done. 

Saya bukan penulis tapi peng-kongsi,

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

. Y we're being treated like a high-schooler ? .

And yeah , have you ever wondered why ?
Hurm , well this is what Puan Nooraini told us .
'Awak ni anak anak emas ni , you hold 1 million of the Malaysians property and money , and we , the teachers are responsible to care for you , to ensure you pass with flying colours and able to be a doctor and contribute back to the nation' <-- ayat yang telah diubah , maaflah nak rakam sebijiksebijik for sure lah tak dapat . Tak cukup Dhobit hehe :D

. Anak EMAS ? The Gold-Children ? HAHA teringat the Grimm Brothers tu :) .
. Amanah 1 juta .
Source : Google

Apa apa pun , yang paling penting ,
. Khalifah di dunia .
. Abid kepada-Nya .
. jadilah muslim yang memberi manfaat kepada orang lain .

P / S : Just so you know , IB never let us breath without homeworks at all hehee .
Malay : Kehilangan Nama Presentation
English : The Lottery theme presentation
Maths : Vectors Handbook exercise
Biology : Handouts ?
Chemistry : Test on Friday (21st Sept)
ITGS : IA Website , Assignment internet banking
TOK : Essay (15th Oct) , Repeat presentation
EE : Abstract , Acknowledgement .
PAI : Murtad presentation
Yeah , lots of presentation . Lots of discussion . Plenty of works . Short of time .

Pekerja tetap homeworks and assignments ,

Monday, September 17, 2012

. CitaCita .

. This is DREAM .
. Please be patient and wait for me .
. The earliest I can meet you is in 1 year time .

Till then , in sha Allah :')

Sincerely ,

. Kawan atau Sahabat ? .

Lihat tajuk ? Read by lip .
Kawan ? Atau . Sahabat ?
Kawan kat manamana ada , bilabila pun ada .
Tapi sahabat , kita tak panggil semua orang sahabat kan , hanya orang tertentu dan layak je dapat pegang title sahabat tu .

Okay dah lah shut up , bosan , cliche gilaa cerita pasal kawan and sahabat ni kan .
Sesiapa google pun dapat tahu dah kan hehe .

Takde ape lah entri ni .
Nak baca silakan , tanak baca pun silakan .
Mungkin lah mungkin , fb dah takde , twitter dah terbatas , sini lah tempat meng-'usha' harihari .
Kalau tak , fb tu boleh lah update status lebatlebat , biar semua orang like . Pastuh suka .
Tak pun , upload lah gambar 'kemhokemho' pastuh tunggu orang like . Pastuh bila orang comment cakap sweet lah cantik lah kembang sampai telinga .
Kat twitter , cerita lah setiap minit tu macam kau sorang happy kat dunia ni , kau sorang sengsara kat dunia ni . (blablablablabla <--- membebel)

Kuat nyaa merepek . Panjang tahap dewa mukaddimah .
Yelah lama dah tak dapat keyboard tak dapat fb tak dapat twitter nak main comment semua . Nah amik blog .

Ini je nak cerita sebenar nyaa .
. Kisah SATU . Ye , haritu Diyana dah balik , flight naik Egypt Air hari Jumaat and Sabtu petang sampai 8 Sept 2012 . Mesir ke Malaysia . And yang best nyaa , semua orang tanak bagitahu and nak rahsia kan dari aku . Tapi , after kobek kobek talipon Asmida tu jumpa gambar Viber ticket nak balik Malaysia . Rupa nya Asmida dah tahu dulu , and lebih lagi , Zhafir pun lagi tahu awal . Dang ! RobekHATIsatu :\

. Kisah DUA . Okay fine , dah rahsia . Takpelah , aku redha . Alasan diorang , ehem nak bagi surprise kat aku . Baiklah alasan diterima . Pastuh , kat twitter , Diyana tanya aku cuti ke tak , ajak jemput dia kat KLIA . Okay , nak lagi good news ke bad news entah lah , tarikh 8 Sept tu ada Bengkel Penulisan pulak kat PD . Terima kasih kawankawan bagitahu last minute , nama tak boleh cancel dah , bukan lah tak boleh as in HARAM nak cancel nama tu , tapi dah register dengan orang DBP and akan menyusahkan pelbagai pihak . Maka sebelum aku menyusahkan dan menyakitkan hati ramai manusia , baiklah aku korbankan diri , orang hantar karya 3 , aku hantar 1 je , tak rela , itupun baru tulis sajak masa pagi Jumaat sebelum bertolak pergi PD tu Jumaat tengahari . Next , dah siap pesan kat Asmida awalawal , Diyana sampai Malaysia nanti suruh dia call aku terus , and dah pesan kat Zhafir jugak , nanti korang snap gambar ngan Diyana mms kat aku . Hati dah rela and suka bila sampai PD tu , sebab orang kat situ hebathebat and baiknya masyaAllah :D
Mengajar dan memberi tunjuk ajar tanpa dipinta dan ditanya . Bila program malam Sabtu tu dah habis , tengok phone . Hurm , kosong je , missed call dari Asmida ke Diyana both takde , mms Zhafir pun takde . Hurm , kenapa takde ? Diorang lupa aku ke ? Ke sengaja ? Then text Asmida . Sobsobsob :'( . Lepas text letak phone jejauh , charging , then terus masuk selimut ready nak tidur .  (Hati dah merajuk gilaa) . Tetibe phone bunyi . Diyana call . Tanak angkat , memang sengaja . Diyana text , reply sekali , reply kali kedua . Tidur . RobekHATIdua :\

. Kisah TIGA . Bangun pagi esok , ade 3 text messages , 2 mms Zhafir 1 sms . Ade gambar diorang . Okay , senyum :D . Nasib baik ingat lah jugak , walaupun lewat . Thankyou . Tapi , Diyana tak call langsung dah after that . Fine , call Asmida , bukan aku . Baca kat twitter , diorang kata nak keluar samasama . Okay pergilah , aku sentiasa sibuk kat sini kan . RobekHATItiga :\

Maka aku BerSAJAK and BerJK kat twitter (itu label diorang) . Attention Seeker - I seek for attention <--- (Orang macam ni loner, label apekah ini? stereotype)

Tetibe hari Rabu , Zhafir kata nak datang rumah , dengan kawan yang tak berNAMA . Hahaa . Okay masa tu bukan nak senyum je tapi nak sengih terus rasa tunjuk semua gigi buruk hitam lubanglubang gusi semua lah hohoho . Ehem takyah nak bajet secreto sangat lah , aku tahu dah sapa :D Yeay ! Tapi masa tu tak confirm lagi lah kawan tak berNAMA tu sapa , so tanak cerita kat Asmida , sebab nanti kalau salah aku malu sengsorang , yelah diorang ni kan suka sangat nak kata surprise lah secret lah . Aku yang makan hati :\

Jeng Jeng Jeng !
Hari Jumaat . Malam . Pukul 9 lebih baru sampai -..-'
Hai tetamutetamu yang dinanti . Aku tak tahu ini planned apa sebenar nyaa , kalau aku , aku rasa ini macam memujuk rasa sedih and merajuk aku lah kan , sebab seronok dapat jumpa semula , tapi mungkin untuk korang , ehem mesti lah tak habis habis nak kata surprise lagi lah kan kat aku . Hohohoho .
Sobsobsob terharuuu . sangat . sangat . sangat terharu :')
Segala kisahkisah dan robekan hati dah pulih dan sihat seperti sedia kala . Teehee :D
Yelah , sebab instead aku pergi jumpa kau and tunggu kau kat arrival gate , kau datang rumah aku .
And walaupun kau sibuk kan player bola , kau datang jugak jauhjauh rumah aku . 1 jam dalam train haha .

Ye . Maaf . Sebab SAJAK mengada , JK tahpape . 
Minda 9 tahun kot bukan 19 tahun .

Nah . Ini . Dia .
Cake tanda penghargaan dan mintak maaf atas kelakuan minda kelas ketiga ini .
Mungkin tak memadai , tapi , TERIMA KASIH :D

Yea , this is just a simple meeting of us . Ini cake birthday untuk semua . Okay ? Birthday sesiapa pun kita tak dapat celebrate kan . Birthday aku korang dua takde , birthday diyana , aku zhafir pun tak ade , birthday zhafir , kitorang dua takde . Fair and square . Ini cake untuk kita semua okay , sila share Kihkihkih :D

. Happy Birthday everyone .  BFF  ♥ . 
Lepas makan cake yang manis tahap dewa ni , hantar Zhafir balik rumah , kebetulan dah dekat Shah Alam , bawak lah cik Diyana ni , perantau yang pulang ke kampung halaman , pergi I-city tu . Personally , tempat tu tak rasa extraordinary pape pun , bawak Diyana tengok lampu liplapliplap , then we snapped some photos together and went home . A very long night . Very tiring , yet very HAPPY indeed .

♥ In sha Allah .

♥ Dear friends , Alhamdulillah , thank you , for everything :') 
Just so you know , long ago I love to have surprises , but now , it seems like I hate secrets and surprises the most . Eheh ;)

P/S : Nanti kita pergi jumpa merekameraka yang lain pulaa ye . Whoaa tak sabar nyaa ! Heeeee :D

Penulis JK dan SAJAK terhebat ,

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

. Different .

. IN . sig . ni . fi . cant .

. 5 syllable .
. Me ain't any better in grammar .
. Leave .

Sunday, July 29, 2012

. Short and Precise .

Wordless Sunday . Apparently I'm losing words for everything . 

. EE . TOK . IA . 

I don't know which path I'm walking through now . Seems like I'm losing it .
Narrow to the end? Or perhaps there's some light at end which I can't see it from here?
It's too dark . And I feel alone . 

O'Allah give me strength .
So that I able to walk to the end with victory .
O'Allah guide me to the end .
So that I won't misleading and turned back from you .
O'Allah give me partner .
So that I won't feel alone in this adventurous mission .
O'Allah , don't let down my spirit .
So that I able to feel the true meaning of sacrifice , hardships , and patience .
O'Allah ,
Grant me 45 in IB if it's the best for me .
Grant me degree in medicine if its will make me a better muslimah in fulfilling my needs to your religion . Islam .
Ameen . Alhamdulillah .   

Thank you for the little advice Sis Bella . Jazakillah .

p/s : Read from below to the upper side . Thank you .

Alhamdullilah . Thank you for reading :)

Sincerely ,

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

. A Non-Muslim with a Muslim Heart .

See the title people ? Able to read it ?
Good . Say , Alhamdulillah . We still have the chance to see , to read , and to do any kind of work we want :')

I have a great story to share with all of you , and I do really hope , we learn something from them and improve ourselves , towards a better Muslim .

Time : 4.10 p.m .
Date : 8th June 2012 , Friday .

Venue : KTM Subang Jaya , Malaysia .
Destination : KL Sentral , Kuala Lumpur .

Scene One

*WE ---> refers to Me , Asmida and QahQah .

We just got back from the IELTS Speaking Test and waited for the train in Subang Jaya station . We missed the first train and had to wait for another 30 minutes for the next train to arrive . When the train has arrived , we can't find any available seat , all have been occupied therefore we have to stand . There's a Malay family, a brother and a younger sister , a baby and their mother . They seat in a row . The mother is holding the baby and the younger sister which sits next to the mother was currently sleeping, and she laid her head on her brother's shoulder . They are around the aged of 3 to 5 years old . The brother hold his sister's head with his hand , not wanting the head to slip-off from his shoulder as the train is shaking left and right . The brother somehow is quite sleepy but when he almost fall asleep along with his sister , the mother would stop him and said , 'Abang jangan tidur , jaga kepala adik tu jangan bagi jatuh , kita dah nak sampai dah ni' then the brother open his eyes and tighten his grip to his sister head . But after a while , the brother couldn't hold it any more and they fell asleep together , but the brother's still holding his sister head on his shoulder .  When they arrived at the station , the mother wake them up , the brother help his sister to get off the seat and walked together to the door . It was so cute ! The scene touched our heart . They were so small but they understand the meaning of love , care for each other and listen to their mother without any argument . Do we practice the same thing in our family ? Reflect ourselves :)

Source : Google 

Scene Two 

Asmida took the younger sister's seat and a young English woman took the brother's seat (I assumed she's a British since she's using the Britain airways bag) . Next to the English woman is a Malay guy . Opsss ! Before I forget , we were in the Ladies's Coach . And well yeah , there's a Malay GUY . A guy in the Ladies's Coach and he is Malaysian . You could say , that it's pretty normal because some of the guys are pretty much stubborn and ignorant .

Okay this is what happened . From Subang Jaya to KL Sentral , it took  about 7 or 8 stations in between . I don't know where the woman is heading to but at each station , she will open her bag and took out a map , the train station's map , probably she's counting how many stations left before she reached the destination . We watched the woman , and QahQah tapped on my shoulder telling that maybe I should asked the woman , in case she's lost or something . I was about to ask but it is quite hard since she's just looking down on the map and she's wearing a cap which cover her face . However , I can't remember at which station , probably a few stations after Setia Jaya , there's this mother and two daughters boarded the train , one of them is still small , maybe around 1 or 2 years old and there's no seats left for them so they have to stand , it is quite difficult for the mother to hold the little child while she was standing . The English woman noticed them , she stood up and offered the mother her seat . They say thank you to the woman .

The English woman then stands besides us , and she mumble silently 'So disrespect...!' . She refers it to the guy which seat next to her earlier in the train . She is so discern about the situation and quick in action .

We stand quietly besides her . Upon arriving to the destination , everybody is ready and faced to the door to go out , the English woman then tapped on the guy's thigh and point her hands to the window and said to the guy " WA NI TA . SA HA JA " , after that she walked directly out of the door . The guy nodded without even looked up to the woman . Perhaps , he felt ashamed by his action .

Gulped ! We were shocked and startled for a while . Amazed ? Astonished ? Not only she's concerned about the mother and the little daughter , angry by the ignorant attitude of the guy but she can speak and understand the Bahasa Malaysia language too !

Reflect upon us , we called ourselves as Muslim but do we act like one ?
Source : Google
I can't simply assumed people they are Muslim or Kufr or anything but apparently from the way she's dressing up with the T-shirt and red mini skirt and tight pants , she doesn't look like one .

But what we're looking at is the Attitude . They are Non-Muslim with a Muslim Attitude . What about us ? Even I don't have the courage to speak to the guy and asked him to go to the other coaches .

MasyaAllah , We should thank Allah for so much things He gave us . Yet don't we feel ashamed for not practising what He already told us , what the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W had teached us ?

Source : Google

(A) Read ISLAM with a Capital I , which is Islam . The Proper Noun . Islam hanya pada nama ?
(B) Read ISLAM with a small i , which is islam  . The Verb . Islam pada perbuatan kita ?

The Story Teller ,