. You'll never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have .
Friday, December 13, 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
. Instant vs Delayed Gratification .
I guess this is my first time writing a post of things that I have to 'google' and find the suitable content . HAHA It's just I'm not so sure , not aware actually of the 'thing' and that is - GRATIFICATION .
This is credit to wikipedia , this ain't plagiarism , this is sharing :
What is gratification ?
"Gratification is the pleasurable emotional reaction of happiness in response to a fulfillment of a desire or goal."
What about instant/delayed gratification ?
"Instant gratification is often used to label the satisfactions gained by more impulsive behaviors: choosing now over tomorrow.
Deferred gratification or patience, and it is usually considered avirtue, producing rewards in the long-term, it is the skill of giving preference to long term goals over more immediate ones."
When a friend of mine post about this video . It makes me think . Think . Into the deep thinking .
O'Allah , your plan is the best . When we felt alone , you sent us Quran to connect to you , you sent us friends for us to talk to , you sent us mother for us to hug and cry and lean on their shoulders . We will NEVER lose when we're not alone . Because we always have YOU !
Sometimes , I feel and I asked why and why am I taking IB ? The long journey , the thorns and painful paths , I may not know it now , but someday insyaAllah , when I able to reason them , it will be the best for me . For now I have to bear and wait and WORK my ass off !
And sometimes , oh tipuu . ALWAYS , I think about you you and you , my dear friends , why do we meet in the first place , why do we became friends ? Caused sometimes I was hurt by your actions but constantly I ripped your heart by my words , harsh and rude and blablabla . But to tell you , I do love you . Eventhough we're parted by the seas and oceans and thousands and millions miles , I'll find the reason to it .
This is credit to wikipedia , this ain't plagiarism , this is sharing :
What is gratification ?
"Gratification is the pleasurable emotional reaction of happiness in response to a fulfillment of a desire or goal."
What about instant/delayed gratification ?
"Instant gratification is often used to label the satisfactions gained by more impulsive behaviors: choosing now over tomorrow.
Deferred gratification or patience, and it is usually considered avirtue, producing rewards in the long-term, it is the skill of giving preference to long term goals over more immediate ones."
When a friend of mine post about this video . It makes me think . Think . Into the deep thinking .
This is the original one .
This is the too cute too resist one ! HAHA .
Well yeah , you can definitely give comments feedback response and what not . but reflect upon ourselves , aren't we are just like them ? Or maybe worse than them . At least they're merely a child . They don't really react upon rational . They're growing , they're building their self personality .
But look upon us ? Which category does we belongs to ? The impulsive or the patience kids ? We've been living the life as human for almost 20 years (lol as it we can even live as an alien for 1 day) But , but do we think and react upon our rational thinking ? With rational mind ? And neglecting our emotions ?
As to compare among the two videos , the first one is about the child is left alone in the room . And they had to resist their temptation of eating the marshmallow by themselves . And now look at the second video , even though they both left with 1 marshmallow each but the situation now is a lil bit different . They have each other to support and rely on . At first it looks like Breanna going to try to taste the marshmallow but Oliver then talk about not getting 2 marshmallow if they don't resist theit temptation .
So do us , when we are left alone and have to fight by ourselves , do we tend to lose hope and getting weaker day by day ? And in the end we end up lost in the battle . But when we have company ans supports around us , we can definitely win the battle , win the race , and get rewards .
But look upon us ? Which category does we belongs to ? The impulsive or the patience kids ? We've been living the life as human for almost 20 years (lol as it we can even live as an alien for 1 day) But , but do we think and react upon our rational thinking ? With rational mind ? And neglecting our emotions ?
As to compare among the two videos , the first one is about the child is left alone in the room . And they had to resist their temptation of eating the marshmallow by themselves . And now look at the second video , even though they both left with 1 marshmallow each but the situation now is a lil bit different . They have each other to support and rely on . At first it looks like Breanna going to try to taste the marshmallow but Oliver then talk about not getting 2 marshmallow if they don't resist theit temptation .
So do us , when we are left alone and have to fight by ourselves , do we tend to lose hope and getting weaker day by day ? And in the end we end up lost in the battle . But when we have company ans supports around us , we can definitely win the battle , win the race , and get rewards .
O'Allah , your plan is the best . When we felt alone , you sent us Quran to connect to you , you sent us friends for us to talk to , you sent us mother for us to hug and cry and lean on their shoulders . We will NEVER lose when we're not alone . Because we always have YOU !
Sometimes , I feel and I asked why and why am I taking IB ? The long journey , the thorns and painful paths , I may not know it now , but someday insyaAllah , when I able to reason them , it will be the best for me . For now I have to bear and wait and WORK my ass off !
And sometimes , oh tipuu . ALWAYS , I think about you you and you , my dear friends , why do we meet in the first place , why do we became friends ? Caused sometimes I was hurt by your actions but constantly I ripped your heart by my words , harsh and rude and blablabla . But to tell you , I do love you . Eventhough we're parted by the seas and oceans and thousands and millions miles , I'll find the reason to it .
Bear with it . A little more time .
Correct me if I'm wrong , grammatical errors , Sincerely ,
Saturday, March 2, 2013
. Diverged . Path .
The road not taken . Ever heard about it ?
If its were to be you ? Which road should you take ?
Crap . Whatever . This is merely just some sort of random post .
Well yeah . I'm dying to meet Chester See !
Sometimes we just need some sort of entertainment. Hurm , relaxation ? It is a chance of a lifetime . Screw !
I better stop here , before any kind of animals start to run wild . I you know what I meant ;)
If its were to be you ? Which road should you take ?
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Never ending excuses |
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Source : Taylors fb page |
Well yeah . I'm dying to meet Chester See !
Sometimes we just need some sort of entertainment. Hurm , relaxation ? It is a chance of a lifetime . Screw !
I better stop here , before any kind of animals start to run wild . I you know what I meant ;)
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
. PMS . Syndrome .
Here's the deal .
To what extent does the PreMenstrual Syndrome proven true ?
Due to the hormonal imbalance , hence the emotion main larilari macam anak kucing ? <-- siapa buat statement ke hypothesis ni eh .
Perangai pun lebih pada kucing .
Kalau terpijak ekor kucing baru dia tapi ni terlanggar sikit dah tarik muka tak bertegur .
Does it affecting the women in reality or psychologically ?
hewhewhew . Ever happen to you ? I don't know if this was happening to me before . But everytime I was on the 'very women day' I'll be as usual as I can , people will never notice it's either you're on your 'day' or not .
Maaf lah . Andaa rasa mende ni isu censored ke ? Sebab nyaa tadi pagi puas berdiskusi hehehe diskusi siaa . Dengan Zalikha meja sebelah tu .
Kalau lah sebab progesterone and estrogen tu keluar masuk time 'hari wanita sedunia' tu kan , kenapa perlu dia effects emotion ?
Ade kaitan ke emotion tu dia pergi dekat roh ke ?
Sebab nyaa kita ade ke receptor perasaan marah ke sedih ke mengada ke ?
Takde kan ? So, apa kaitan nyaa ?
Let's say lah , contoh , bila 'Adrenaline rush' kita tahu nak take action apa kan . Sebab dia macam hormone specific kan . Or serotonin ke dopamine ke pape lah , rasa lah happy ke suka ke ceria ke .
Sunday, January 20, 2013
. Mencintai Allah seperti mana aku mencintai manusia .
Iya . Sudah terang lagi bersuluh . Citacita baru .
Aku . AKU ingin mencintai Allah seperti mana aku mencintai manusia .
This is a true story . Bukan pada andaa ? Takpe , tapi pada sayaa .
Mari mari mari . Mari masuk ke tasik dan kolan hati .
Ada apa ? Cuba tengok warna dia ? Jernih ke ? Atau hitam penuh titik dosa ?
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Sos : Fesbuk |
Mudah bukan untuk kita mencintai manusia . Kerana kita kenal siapa kita cintai itu .
Tapi adakah mudah juga untuk kita mencintai Allah ? Tidak ? Kerana kita tidak mengenali Allah .
Tenung talipon setiap saat . Bila orang yang dicintai itu mahu call . Atau send text message mungkin .
Tapi adakah sekerap itu kita tenung jam , bila nak azan . Sudah rinduu pada Allah .
Pernah kah datang perasaan itu ? Astaghfirullah .
Bila mana orang yang dicintai call . Deringan pertama . "Hello!"
Bila Allah memanggil . "Tunggu 5 minit lah"
Bila kita risau . Kita tanya orang yang dicintai tu . "Betul ke buat macam ni. Risauuu"
Pernah kita tanya Allah . Solat sunat ? Hajat ? Istikharah ? "Betul kah jalan ku ini . Langkah ku ini"
Bila orang yang dicintai berkata "Awak akan okay . Saya yakin dengan awak . Saya sentiasa disisi awak ." Kita angguk terasa ada orang menyokong .
Tapi bila Allah bagi janji yang lagi pasti . Ada kita terasa apaapa? "Sungguh aku dekat. Lebih dekat dari urat lehermu." "Berdoalah kepadaku, nescaya aku perkenankan,"
Bila orang yang dicintai kata "Rindu, Jom jumpa . Dah lama tak jumpa."
Tapi bila Allah kata nak jumpa 5 kali sehari ada kita buat ? Lambat kaki melangkah .
Bila sedih , mencari orang yang dicintai "Dengarlah cerita ni , I sedih sangat harini . Blablabla"
Mengapa tidak begini "Ya Allah, sungguh aku lemah hari ini"
Pada manusia . "Jangan tinggalkan aku, aku tak dapat hidup tanpamu, kau nyawaku"
Bukankah harus begini "Jangan tinggalkan aku, aku hilang panduan hidup tanpamu, kau pemberi nyawaku, pemegang nyawaku, penentu hidup matiku."
Katakata manusia "Jangan bawak kereta lajulaju . Please , saya sayang awak." "Okay, apa saja untuk awak"
Katakata Allah "Labuhkan pakaianmu..." "Tundukkan pandanganmu..." (Semakin singkat pakaian) (Semakin meliar mata memandang perempuan pakaian singkat)
Pada manusia "Kita sakit harini . Sakit sangat . Teman lah kita . Uhukuhukuhuk "
Hakikatnya "Perlindungan ku untuk sekelian alam . Haiwan Manusia bulan bintang ." "Aku tidak tidur dah tidak lupa"
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Sos : Fesbuk |
Mengapa kita tak mampu lakukan semuanya ? Kerana kita tidak mencintai Allah sepertimana kita mencintai manusia .
Atau dalam erti kata lain .
Kita lebih mencintai manusia dari kita mencintai Allah .
Mudah untuk kita turuti katakata manusia, kerana hati terletak terjatuh terserah dalam genggaman manusia lain .
Susah untuk kita turuti katakata Allah , kerana hati kita bukan pada Allah , bukan terletak bukan terjatuh bukan juga terserah pada Allah genggaman Allah . Maka bukan kerelaan kita untuk turuti perintah Allah .
Allahurabbi . Astaghfirullah .
AKU ingin mencintai Allah sepertimana aku mencintai manusia .
Oleh itu , AKU harus mengenali Allah sepertimana aku mengenali manusia .
Bismillah .
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Sos : Fesbuk |
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